Wednesday, December 5, 2012


I've been trying to gather my thoughts on the CRPD treaty failure. All I can say is that it is  unspeakable. It is unspeakable that the GOP filed past Bob Dole in his wheelchair--still fighting for veterans--only to vote against him. It is unspeakable that the GOP would thumb their noses at the veterans who fight and die for our freedom. It is unspeakable that people who are fiscally conservative have to deal with the fact that the only party allegedly for fiscal conservatives is run and controlled by conspiracy nuts who legitimately believed that this treaty that affirmed the rights of people with disabilities would somehow pave the way for the Antichrist to seize disabled children or some such nonsense.

Here's the truth: The treaty was modeled after the ADA, with a lineage involving 3 Presidents, two of them Christian conservatives mind you. The world was being asked to live up to a moral standard set by the U.S. Isn't this the American exceptional-ism that conservatives preach about?

What should have been a proud moment for America was instead turned into something shameful by religious loony toons. Instead of standing for our veterans and our disabled, they stood against them. What's more shameful is that they did this because people who allegedly follow Jesus demanded and are now celebrating it.

The party that gave us the Birthers and nutcases that even Agent Mulder would believe were crazy, again turned American leadership into yet another insane rant about black helicopters, anti-Christian conspiracies that did not exist, and fevered fantasies of anti-UN nutjobs. Had they put down "Left Behind" long enough to read the actual text of the treaty, they'd have realized that none of the things tossed about by the religious kooks at the Homeschool Legal Defense Association and the like were actually true.

Let's face it: There is a reason people believe religion harms human progress. The failure of the CRPD is yet more evidence of this theory. This treaty was not about unseen moochers or religion—it was about the disabled receiving the same legal respect upon which all of us rely--a decency and fairness that comports with American law. A decency Jesus talked about:

Luke 14 12-13: "He said also to the man who had invited him, “When you give a dinner or a banquet, do not invite your friends or your brothers or your relatives or rich neighbors, lest they also invite you in return and you be repaid. But when you give a feast, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind,"

But not even the words of Christ himself could stop good Christian conspiracy theorists from turning a hearing on good and moral legislation into a circus act and then a total tragedy with their conspiracy theories about how UN shocktroops in the employ of Satan or something would storm their houses and steal their disabled  children. I hope the alleged Christian who helped torpedo this treaty are proud of  themselves because Jesus is not. 

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